
Showing posts with the label Erica Thomas State Representative

Facts About Erica Thomas

  Erica Thomas is an American politician and youth leader, representative of Georgia State District 39. Here are few facts about Erica Thomas you should know-  - Early Life and Education - Erica Thomas was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and she grew up in Knoxville, Tennessee. She studied at Carter High School, Cocke County High School, and Oakwood University. Legislative Service  - Thomas first gained experience with the General Assembly serving as Legislative Aide to the previous representative from House District 39, she ran for the same office and won in 2014 when her predecessor went ahead to seek a higher office. She is currently serving her second term in office. She is currently serving on the Retirement, Budget and Fiscal Policy, Juvenile Justice and Science and Technology Committees - In 2015, Thomas was a guest speaker at the Black Business Empowerment Convention of Georgia. - Thomas runs Speak Out Loud, a local nonprofit she founded that is dedicated t...

5 Areas, Where Leaders Must Set An Example!

  Erica Thomas State Representative : One of the necessary attributes, and responsibilities, of being a leader, must be, setting the right example, to those, one represents, of hopes to! After, more than four decades, of involvement, in nearly every area, related to leading, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and consulting to, thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, as well as serving, on several occasions, as a leader, I strongly believe, although, this is important, it begins, with having the right people, serving and representing others. This means, individuals, who are ready, willing, and able to put constituents, and the best — interests of the organization, first, and, equally, representing all their stakeholders (not only their supporters), must be, in these key positions! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 areas, where this is needed, and necessary. 1. Commitment/...

4 Reasons, Leaders Must Speak To, Not, At Others!

  Erica Thomas State Representative : After, over four decades, of involvement, in, nearly, all areas, related to leading, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, to serving, as a leader, on several occasions, I have observed, far too many of these individuals, tend, to speak at, rather than, to, others. Instead of addressing stakeholders needs, priorities, concerns, and/ or, perceptions, many, simply, speak about, whatever, is, on their minds! How can anyone hope, to motivate, and inspire others, to action, and more involvement, unless/ until, he obviously, priorities, in an empathetic way, what they, want, and need, to hear? My trademarked — slogan, is, I will tell you what you need to know, not, just, what you want to hear (TM), because, I strongly, believe, it is incumbent — upon, every true leader, to proceed, with absolute integrity, and responsibility. Therefore, there is a nee...

Erica Thomas State Representative | 4 Reasons Leaders Must Speak To, Not...


Erica Thomas State Representative | Why Great Leadership Requires CHARM?

  Erica Thomas State Representative :- Although, every group, has specific needs, nuances, and missions / visions, every organization, benefits, when they put, someone, with, genuine, CHARM. This involves a considerable — amount of qualities, etc, and, there is no such thing, as, one — size — fits — all, when it comes to selecting the best individual, for this group, at this specific, point — in — time! It is, often, challenging, to effectively, determine, whether an individual, is the right — fit! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, and represents, and why it matters. 1. Character; creative; coordinate; cheer; champion: It may be difficult to be certain, someone, possesses, the quality of character, which is preferable, and essential! Examine, whether, he is the right person, to champion, the causes, and directions, which are best! One must be ready, willing, and...

Erica Thomas State Representative |3 Keys To Overcoming Obstacles And Becoming More Successful

  Erica Thomas State Representative :- Did you know that you can reach your goals and become more successful in spite of the obstacles before you? Do you know you cannot succeed in any thing you set your mind to achieve without overcoming tests and set backs? As annoying as they are, obstacles and challenges are part of the universe’s test of your spirit. When you rise up to meet these tests, and pass with flying colors, your perspective and level will change! you also develop the confidence that you can reach your goals anytime. Do you know that you can reach your goals in spite of the obstacles before you? The first step in this process is recognizing the obstacles in your way. What if you wanted to quit your 9–5,job an online business writing and selling transformational books, how will you do it? To succeed you have to recognize your obstacles and develop the solutions that will help you overcome them. Do you have the have the knowledge, talent, and skills to e...