4 Reasons, Leaders Must Speak To, Not, At Others!


Erica Thomas State Representative : After, over four decades, of involvement, in, nearly, all areas, related to leading, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, to serving, as a leader, on several occasions, I have observed, far too many of these individuals, tend, to speak at, rather than, to, others. Instead of addressing stakeholders needs, priorities, concerns, and/ or, perceptions, many, simply, speak about, whatever, is, on their minds! How can anyone hope, to motivate, and inspire others, to action, and more involvement, unless/ until, he obviously, priorities, in an empathetic way, what they, want, and need, to hear? My trademarked — slogan, is, I will tell you what you need to know, not, just, what you want to hear (TM), because, I strongly, believe, it is incumbent — upon, every true leader, to proceed, with absolute integrity, and responsibility. Therefore, there is a need, to proceed, with genuine empathy, while, also, telling the truth! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 4 key reasons, leaders must speak to, instead of, at, others.

1. Meeting — of — the — minds, for greater good: A real leader must put his own, personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self — interest, behind, the needs, goals, and best interests, of the group, he serves and represents! Only, when one speaks less, and listens more (and more effectively), will he truly, understand, and appreciate, the needs, goals, perceptions, and concerns, of those, he serves, and represents, and be capable, of properly placing, his emphasis, etc! To achieve this, requires, proceeding with an open — mind, instead of a, My way or the highway, mindset! The greater good, must be, the most desirable, and sought — after, result!

2. Seek common ground: The reality is, constituents, and stakeholders, of, nearly every organization, have a certain degree of differences, and, it is, therefore, incumbent — upon, every quality leader, to seek common ground, so, unity/ unification, becomes more important than polarization, and divisiveness!

3. Uniting, instead of polarizing: Only, when someone, proceeds, with greater empathy, and speaks less, than he listens, and prioritizes, addressing the concerns, etc, of his stakeholders, will he be able to unify, for the greater good! Partisan, polarizing rhetoric, has no place, in meaningful leadership! Only when someone commits to trying to unify, by speaking to others, rather than, at, them, will he be a true leader!

4. Agree, to disagree, when possible: People can disagree, without being disagreeable! A leader’s tone, must emphasize, respecting everyone’s opinion, even, when there is disagreement, and, especially, in non — crucial matters, let people know, it is okay, to agree, to disagree!

Erica Thomas State Representative


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