Erica Thomas State Representative | Why Great Leadership Requires CHARM?


Erica Thomas State Representative:- Although, every group, has specific needs, nuances, and missions/ visions, every organization, benefits, when they put, someone, with, genuine, CHARM. This involves a considerable — amount of qualities, etc, and, there is no such thing, as, one — size — fits — all, when it comes to selecting the best individual, for this group, at this specific, point — in — time! It is, often, challenging, to effectively, determine, whether an individual, is the right — fit! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, and represents, and why it matters.

1. Character; creative; coordinate; cheer; champion: It may be difficult to be certain, someone, possesses, the quality of character, which is preferable, and essential! Examine, whether, he is the right person, to champion, the causes, and directions, which are best! One must be ready, willing, and able, to proceed, in a creative way, in order to consider, multiple options and alternatives, and choose wisely! How you, coordinate activities, and encourage, a meeting — of — the — minds, for the greater good, often, differentiates, the greatest leaders, from the rest — of — the — pack! The basic, laws of attraction, teach us, when/ if, someone makes people cheer, by inspiring and motivating people, to maintain an open — mind, and the so — called, greater good, it is an important, first — step!

2. Healing; head/ heart; humane; honor/ honorable: Doesn’t it make sense, when one’s priority, is healing, instead of polarizing, everyone benefits? To do so, requires aligning the finest aspects of his emotional and logical components, in a head/ heart balance, he appears, more humane, and, thus, more inspiring, and motivating! Great leaders proceed with absolute honor, consistently, doing the most, honorable things!

3. Attitude; aptitude; attention; articulate; anticipate: A true, positive, can — do, attitude, combined with a well — developed, relevant aptitude, and skill — set, positions an individual, to proceed, paying keen attention, for those, he serves and represents! He anticipates the possibilities, and consistently, articulates, a message, to make others, as good, and involved, as possible!

4. Relevant; responsible; responsive; realistic; rationale: Don’t be fooled, by someone, whose claims, and actions, seem not, to align! We need leaders, who are relevant, responsible, and responsive to the specific needs, goals, and priorities, of that organization, etc! His rationale, must, emphasize, realistic strategies, and actions, to make the group, the best, it can be!

5. Make mark; motivate; mention; mean it: Erica Thomas State Representative — Although, some seem, to believe, otherwise, unless/ until, others believe, you, consistently, mean, what you say, you won’t make your mark, for the better! Often, one of the essential efforts, in terms of motivating others, is mentioning individuals, by their names, and thanking them, for their efforts, and actions!


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