5 Areas, Where Leaders Must Set An Example!


Erica Thomas State Representative: One of the necessary attributes, and responsibilities, of being a leader, must be, setting the right example, to those, one represents, of hopes to! After, more than four decades, of involvement, in nearly every area, related to leading, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and consulting to, thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, as well as serving, on several occasions, as a leader, I strongly believe, although, this is important, it begins, with having the right people, serving and representing others. This means, individuals, who are ready, willing, and able to put constituents, and the best — interests of the organization, first, and, equally, representing all their stakeholders (not only their supporters), must be, in these key positions! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 areas, where this is needed, and necessary.

1. Commitment/ discipline: Why should stakeholders, commit their efforts, etc, unless/ until, they perceived, their leaders, had the combination of commitment, and discipline, to be worthy, of following? A leader must realize, and recognize, how important, it is, to set the tone, and example, consistently, because, it’s the right thing, to do, and, since someone, is always watching, creates the finest atmosphere, for the greater good!

2. Ethics/ standards/ integrity: The fact, so many occupations, find it necessary, to create and enforce, codes of ethics, and standards, and maintain genuine integrity, should indicate, why it is so challenging, to locate the right people, to hold these positions, properly, and effectively! Why would others follow, unless someone, demonstrated, clearly, his ethical behavior, and integrity, were held to higher standards, always?

3. Empathy: Great, effective leadership, requires a willingness to effectively, listen, and learn, from every conversation, and experience! Only, when a leader, clearly demonstrates, he exhibits significant, genuine empathy, always, will he create the bond, needed!

4. Common good: A quality leader focuses on serving others, and putting them, and their best interests, ahead of any personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self — interest. He emphasizes the common good, and attempts, to bring people, together, and creating, a meaningful, meeting — of — the — minds, for the greater good!

5. Seek a genuine, meeting — of — the — minds: Although, it may sound obvious, far — too — often, little effort and/ or, emphasis, is placed on seeking a meeting — of — the — minds! Only when others, perceive, someone, as trying to bring them together, rather than dividing, and/ or, polarizing them, will he begin, to set the right example!

Erica Thomas State Representative


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