
Facts About Erica Thomas

  Erica Thomas is an American politician and youth leader, representative of Georgia State District 39. Here are few facts about Erica Thomas you should know-  - Early Life and Education - Erica Thomas was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and she grew up in Knoxville, Tennessee. She studied at Carter High School, Cocke County High School, and Oakwood University. Legislative Service  - Thomas first gained experience with the General Assembly serving as Legislative Aide to the previous representative from House District 39, she ran for the same office and won in 2014 when her predecessor went ahead to seek a higher office. She is currently serving her second term in office. She is currently serving on the Retirement, Budget and Fiscal Policy, Juvenile Justice and Science and Technology Committees - In 2015, Thomas was a guest speaker at the Black Business Empowerment Convention of Georgia. - Thomas runs Speak Out Loud, a local nonprofit she founded that is dedicated t...

Erica Thomas State Representative is an American politician and youth le...


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